VHEC’s New Digitization Equipment

The Collections team is excited to announce a significant upgrade to the VHEC’s digitization capabilities. With the addition of new equipment, including a camera, lens, and a motorized copy stand, we have enhanced the quality and efficiency of our digitization process. The purchase of this equipment was funded by a grant from the Jewish Community Federation.

New Digitization Station

Our new digitization station features a flatbed copy stand, equipped with two LED panel lights (sourced from B3K Digital) that illuminate the pages of the item being digitized, ensuring optimal lighting and clarity.

Real Time, High-Quality Imaging

Using Capture One software, which connects to the Nikon camera positioned directly above the flatbed, we can now view the images we are capturing in real time on a computer screen. This live viewing feature allows us to see exactly what the camera is capturing, and we can make adjustments as needed, such as ensuring colour accuracy, for best results.

Streamlined Documentation

With our upgraded digitization station, we have developed new workflows and documentation processes to streamline our efforts. This will allow us to digitize materials more quickly and provide faster access to our collections. Additionally, we can now capture items that were previously difficult to digitize due to their fragile condition.

Better Handling of Fragile Materials

Project archivist Fin Bartels works to digitize a notebook from the Oberlander family fonds as part of the Peter Oberlander Collection: Digitization & Accessibility Project funded by the BC History Digitization Program.

Current Projects Underway

We’re still in the process of capturing and editing images, and we’ll keep you updated as newly digitized materials become available on the VHEC collections catalogue. Our current projects, funded through the Jewish Community Foundation and Documentary Heritage Community Programs (DHCP), include processing and digitizing materials in the following fonds:

Jewish Community Foundation

  • Kuppenheim family fonds

Digital archivist Pipin Rogak uses the new equipment to digitize one of the 32 fragile diaries from the Fred Arnich fonds as part of VHEC’s Out of the Archives project funded by the Documentary Heritage Community Programs.

Documentary Heritage Community Programs

  • Gerry Waldston fonds
  • Fred Arnich fonds
  • Kaplan Shak family fonds
  • Von Baiersdorf, Reif family fonds
  • Bick family fonds
  • Rosengarten family fonds
  • Gottfried family fonds
  • John Herbert fonds

Stay tuned for more updates as we work to make these materials accessible. Thank you to the JCF, DHCP, and BCHDP their support helps us continue our mission to preserve and share the stories of Holocaust survivors and their families.